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Prime 1 Studio:1/3 概念设计版 - The Joker 小丑雕像

来源: 时间:2022/10/13 19:42:20 【kenbest】


  让各位久等了!Prime 1Studio非常兴奋地向各位宣布,由Jorge Jimenez操刀概念设计,能够与Museum Masterline 系列的笑点搭配展示的1/3比例小丑 DX版雕像终于要开订了!

  精通犯罪的小丑已经准时到达到达现场了!Jorge Jimenez为我们提供了一个小丑的概念设计,你看了就会知道笑点为什么会倾心于他,甚至摇身一变成为他的助手。Prime 1 Studio旗下技巧高超的艺术家们非常认真地研究了来自Jorge Jimenez的设计,以便能够以雕像形式重现他的艺术风格。而你只要看一眼这个完美的雕像,你就会明白他们确实做到了。


  Prime 1 Studio的艺术家们带来了一个既经典又不失新潮的小丑,这自然要归功于Jorge Jimenez的出色设计。小丑标志性的紫色西装和绿色衬衫让你能够在一瞬间就确定他的身份,同样呈现绿色的头发被梳理得非常完美。他脸上带着的阴险笑容里蕴藏着满满的灾难。


  如果您在我们的官方网站或是官方经销商购买这款雕像的话,你将有机会收到一个酷炫的BONUS配件,那就是一个可替换的拿着如恶魔一般的蝙蝠面具的左手配件,以及由Jorge Jimenez亲笔签名的限量500张的A4印刷画中的一张!

  Jorge Jimenez和小丑的粉丝们无疑会预购这个渲染着邪恶氛围的雕像,尤其是你还可以把它跟我们的MMDC-54笑点雕像搭配在一起!快预定这个吧,这样笑点就可以拥有她的小丑了。


  .高52.8cm 宽51.2cm 深37.6cm





  .限量500张的由Jorge Jimenez亲手签名的印刷画(BONUS配件)




  "Every day he’s out there changing the world. Making them see the clowns they really are. Showing them, they should laugh at death and tear down society.” – Punchline

  Prime 1 Studio is crazy excited to announce the matched pair to our Museum Masterline Punchline: The 1:3 Scale MMDC-55: The Joker Concept Design by Jorge Jimenez!

  The Clown Prince of Crime has arrived at the scene and not a moment too soon! Jorge Jimenez has designed a Joker that is both worthy of Punchline’s admiration and the reason for her murderous turn as his sidekick. The astounding artists at Prime 1 Studio took the greatest care to study Jorge Jimenez’s concept of The Joker so that they could replicate his art style in statue form. Take one look at this picture-perfect statue, and you will agree!

  The Joker sports a sly look, which makes you wonder what he has in store for The Batman, up to his well-tailored sleeves. Reclining on his theater-themed throne, this 21-inch-tall statue of The Joker is arguably the master of his insane domain.

  Prime 1 Studio artists have rendered a version of The Joker, both classic and contemporary, owed to the brilliant design by Jorge Jimenez. His trademark purple and green ensemble is both instantly recognizable yet fresh to the eyes. His hair is coiffed oh-so-perfectly in its green, wavy curls. And his face bears a sinister smile sure to be rife with disaster.

  In this statue, The Joker holds two “jokerangs” in his right hand, while his left-hand remains poised over his grin as if to let us in on a dark and evil secret yet to be unleashed. His throne is quaintly theater-themed, as his hideout suggests, surrounded by the accouterments of the film...featuring a seat rendered as old, scarlet leather, reels of the film still in their canisters, and even a Cutie1 Batman plushie...maybe for The Joker to kick around?

  Fans of Jorge Jimenez and The Joker will no doubt Pre-Order this malevolent mastermind, especially when you can now pair him with our MMDC-54 Punchline statue! Snap this up as soon as it’s available so Punchline can have her Joker.


  The Joker Statue on a Joker Theater Hideout-themed base

  Formats        Museum Masterline

  Series        Batman (Comics)

  Scale        1/3 Scale

  Product Code        MMDC-55

  Product Size Approx.        H:52.8cm W:51.2cm D:37.6cm

  Product Carton Boxes Approx.        2

  Product Weight Approx.        16.6 kg

  Material        Polystone and other materials

  EAN        4580708041193



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