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STAR ACE Toys:30cm“雷·哈里豪森”诞辰100周年 - 美杜莎 Medusa雕像

来源: 时间:2022/10/13 19:42:20 【kenbest】

  STAR ACE Toys:30cm“雷·哈里豪森”诞辰100周年 - 美杜莎 Medusa雕像 普通版/豪华版


  产品编号        SA9040 (美杜莎 Medusa (豪华版) /

  SA9041 (美杜莎 Medusa (普通版)

  产品名称              美杜莎 Medusa (豪华版)

  美杜莎 Medusa (普通版)

  比例        30cm 雕像

  系列        Super Vinyl系列

  30cm SuperVinyl 系列雕像美杜莎 Medusa 雕像 包括:

  Ray Harryhausen’s Medusa

  Ray Harryhausen brought to life many mythical creatures and none are more memorable than the Gorgon, Medusa.  With her snake-like tail and hideous head with snakes for hair, just one glance at this terrifying creature will turn any hero into stone.

  Star Ace has recreated the Harryhausen Medusa puppet as a 30cm tall soft vinyl statue. She is posed ready to loose an arrow as she stares down the hero invading her sanctum.  Sculpted by the renowned artisans at Kaibutsuya and Artist - Joe Laudati, each piece is meticulously hand painted.

  The Deluxe version comes with a polyresin diorama base depicting a flaming brazier and the remains of one of her enemies, turned to stone.

  SA9040                美杜莎 Medusa (Deluxe version) – 限量版

  SA9041                美杜莎 Medusa (Normal version) – 普通版

  30cm Soft Vinyl Statue with Polyresin Diorama

  版权 : Ray Harryhausen (100th anniversary series)

  Product No. :

  SA9040                美杜莎 Medusa (Deluxe version) – 限量版

  SA9041                美杜莎 Medusa (Normal version) – 普通版


  搪胶 雕像 Soft Vinyl,30CM 高系列


  Medusa 雕像                : 大约         L 260MM W 100MM H 320MM

  情景底座                : 大约         L 230MM W 175MM H 110MM


  SA9040 (DX)                        大约 2.8 公斤 (连包装)

  SA9041 (NX)                        大约 1.5 公斤 (连包装)


  大约         L 330 MM W 280MM H 210MM (普通版)

  大约         L 330 MM W 280MM H 210MM +

  L 330 MM W 280MM H 150MM (豪华版)

  (Dimension and weight could change later.)

  每箱 : 6个 (普通版 /豪华版)

  * SA9040 (豪华版)  是限量版 (LIMITED EDITION)

  出售日期: 2022年 第4季

  EAN Code :          SA9040 (DX)                                  4 89705 788 940 7

  SA9041 (NX)                                  4 89705 788 941 4

  Produced with the permission of The Ray and Diana Harryhausen Foundation (Charity Number SC001419).

  2022 Star Ace Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.



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