HotToys 新品:1/6 MMS691《蚁人与黄蜂女:量子狂潮》-黄蜂女 / Wasp
【《蟻俠與黃蜂女: 量子狂熱》黃蜂女1:6比例珍藏人偶
雙頭雕配置蠟像級及LED發光頭盔造型頭雕 高度還原整套黃蜂女戰衣】
進入2023 年度,Marvel 正式開啟 MCU 第五階段大作,首套電影將會是《蟻俠與黃蜂女: 量子狂熱》於2月15日香港上映,原班人馬再度聚首,包括「蟻俠」Paul Rudd、「黃蜂女」Evangeline Lilly、「黃蜂女科學家父親」Michael Douglass和「第一代黃蜂女」Michelle Pfeiffer攜手演出,更有「蟻俠女兒」Kathryn Newton與父親並肩作戰,全方位投入量子空間震撼激戰! Hot Toys 今天隆重推出《蟻俠與黃蜂女: 量子狂熱》男主角蟻俠及女主角黃蜂女1:6比例珍藏人偶,完美打造媲美電影中極像真真人頭雕及頭盔頭雕,足本呈現特製戰服,「蟻俠」同「黃蜂女」齊齊拍住上,走入神秘量子空間,全員投入激戰!
全新啡色短髮造型的黃蜂女人偶頭雕由Hot Toys團隊匠心製作,慿著他們鬼斧神工的雕刻與塗裝工藝,高超工藝細緻刻劃出演員Evangeline Lilly所飾演黃蜂女一角的面部輪廓及表情神態,配上一頭清爽的啡色短髮與精緻妝容,雙眼採用可動眼球技術,像真度更入木三分;同時更配備了一個全新設計的LED 黃蜂女頭盔造型頭雕,整個頭盔頭雕精細塗裝上金屬銀色及刻上細緻的紋理圖案,眼部上黃色的鏡片可透現出Hope Van Dyne的雙眼。此外,Hot Toys根據角色的身型比例塑造一個高逾29cm、具28個可動關節的女性人偶素體,修長身型可擺放各種靈活自然的姿勢造型,忠實呈現角色於電影原作中的各式矯捷的作戰姿態。以精湛的製作技術全新設計全套以藍色主調搭配黃色細節的貼身戰衣,前臂配有一對銀色護腕,更有一個可與背部連接、呈現打開頭盔狀態的部件;而本作的一大亮點當然就是背後備有活動功能的飛行翅膀,翅膀展開狀態長 31.5cm,翼上飾有黃色骨架,翼身採用上透明件印有紋理圖案,而且翅膀可拆除並另配一個背部組件以還原至陸地上雙翼收納後的狀態。此外,更附贈一個高逾3.5cm的超迷你版蟻俠連情景地台作獨家配件,極具珍藏價值。
Serves as the head of Pym van Dyne Foundation, Hope Van Dyne a.k.a. the Wasp has always been focused on using the Pym’s technology to save her mother from the Quantum Realm, and now she’ll be dealing with the reality of having achieved that goal.
Ahead of the official release of Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, Hot Toys is introducing the latest 1/6th scale The Wasp collectible figure with her completely new appearance.
Beautifully crafted based on the screen appearance of Evangeline Lilly as Hope Van Dyne in the film, the amazingly-detailed figure features a newly developed head with separate rolling eyeball function, detailed short hair sculpture, a newly developed helmeted sculpt with LED light-up function that bears a high resemblance of a closed helmet showing part of the Wasp’s face, two styles wings including collapse wings and moveable wings for flying poses, a navy and yellow colored costume, an opened helmet accessory attachable to the back of figure, Ant-Man miniature diorama and a figure stand.
Venture to the Quantum Realm with the Wasp figure!
The 1/6th scale The Wasp Collectible Figure specially features:
- Authentic and detailed likeness of Evangeline Lilly as Hope Van Dyne/ Wasp in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
- One (1) newly developed helmeted head sculpt with LED light-up function (battery operated)
- One (1) newly developed Hope Van Dyne head sculpt with separate rolling eyeball function
- Movie-accurate facial expression with skin texture and make-up
- Newly developed body with over 28 points of articulations
- Approximately 29 cm tall
- Two (2) styles of interchangeable Wasp’ wings including:
- One (1) pair of movable wings
- One (1) pair of collapse wings (approximately 31.5cm in length)
- Six (6) pieces of interchangeable gloved hands including:
- One (1) pair of fists
- One (1) pair of relaxed hands
- One (1) pair of open hands
- Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted
- One (1) black, yellow colored Wasp suit with embossed patterns and blue trims
- One (1) pair of black colored boots
- One (1) Ant-Man miniature diorama (approximately 3.5cm tall)
- One (1) attachable opened helmet accessory
- A figure stand with movie logo and character name
Release Date: Approximately Q2 – Q3, 2024
*Prototype shown is not final, pending licensor approval.
**Battery included for collectible figure, button cells are required
***Product details can subject to change without further notice
(c) 2023 Marvel.
(c)2023 Hot Toys Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright @ 2018-2025 All rights reserved.
ICP备案号:湘ICP备09009000号 技术支持:HDHCMS
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