【对话】 A:It's great to meet you, Susie. I’ve been longing to meet a sociology student on the campus. I’d love to have a talk with you and pick your bra...…
A:It's great to meet you, Susie. I’ve been longing to meet a sociology student on the campus. I’d love to have a talk with you and pick your brains.
B:It's my pleasure to meet a psychology student,actually. There aremany things I seem to be unable to understand. For instance, why should we sometimesbe down in the mouth while at other times we are in the seventh heaven?
A:That's a good question. This usually has something to do with self-satisfaction. If you're not satisfied with something, you are down in the mouth and in low spirits. And if you are satisfied with something , you may become excited or bebeside yourself.
B:But that depends on how you look at things, doesn't it? So it's personal rather than social.
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