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来源:网络整理 时间:2023/4/28 23:19:27 【kenbest】

Kim: Hold me. Edward: I can't. Officer Allen: Will he be OK, Doc? Psychologist: The years spent in isolation have not equipped him with the tools n...…

Kim: Hold me.

Edward: I can't.

Officer Allen: Will he be OK, Doc?

Psychologist: The years spent in isolation have not equipped him with the tools necessary to judge right from wrong. He's had no context. He's been completely without guidance. Furthermore, his work - the garden sculptures, hairstyles and so forth - indicate that he's a highly imaginative... uh... character. It seems clear that his awareness of what we call reality is radically underdeveloped.

Peg Boggs: How was it?

Edward: It was great. She showed me all the wallpaper and where everything is going to go.

Peg Boggs: Well that's nice.

Edward: And then she brought me in the back room where she took all her clothes off.

Kim: Before he came down here, it never snowed. And afterwards, it did. I don't think it would be snowing now if he weren't still up there. Sometimes you can still catch me dancing in it.


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